Thursday, January 27, 2011


This made me laugh out loud this morning. A real lol-er one might even say. I support anything that can transform a yeast infection into a glitter collection.

Also of note was an outing this past weekend to collect some more tree branches for the Project. A big thank you to Jeremy and Martin who did most of the heavy lifting in outspace-eque temperatures (i.e. very cold). Just have to get myself downtown to the woodworking shop at Concordia to get those suckered slice now.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Get Some Grown Up Hair

I see a Map of Tasmania themed craft party in the near future. Everyone in the Mtl area, consider yourself warned. The song is catchy enough I suppose, but what really gets me going is the music video. It reminds me of what Marie Antoinette's parties probably looked like. Especially if Peaches had a limitless budget at a Dollar Store and full creative reign. For a historically accurate representation of an 18th century queen's pubic above.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Present from my Mama Bear!

Got a care package from the family today! Inside...a body affirming air freshener that actually doesn't smell like pure chemicals. Who would have thunk it?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Erotic Arts and Crafts Fair!

Well seems like my little project has been accepted by the Erotic Arts and Crafts Fair that will be taking place in Toronto on February 12th!

I will be showcasing vagina pins that I made from from wood slices, etched images and of course...fur. 

Here is a taste of the first batch!

Much more to come!